Natures Premier®

Chopped Straw for Eco-Friendly, Cleaner, and Healthier Animal Bedding

An innovative chopped straw that is dust-free, all-natural, and biodegradable. During production, our mill equipment chops wheat straws into versatile chopped straw making it the best option for your animal bedding, gardening, and other uses. The result is a clean, soft, and highly absorbent straw that maintains its natural color and odor-free qualities. With no additives, oils, or dyes, this chopped straw is all-natural and eco-friendly, making it the perfect choice for those looking to enhance their sustainability practices. Our products are packaged in clear recyclable bags making them easy to store, transport, and use.


Chopped Straw

Natures Premier Chopped Straw is the epitome of quality and sustainability. Made in the USA from locally sourced wheat straws, it undergoes a meticulous process to ensure it’s free from dust, impurities, and seeds. Bedding for Livestock: Natures Premier Chopped Straw, is celebrated for its 100% dust-free quality. It also makes an excellent bedding choice for animals, such as horses, cows, pigs, and other livestock. It’s soft, absorbent, and clean, ensuring your animals are comfortable and healthy.


Bedding for Livestock and Pets

If you’re a proud owner of pets like rabbits, chickens, or cats, you know how crucial bedding is for their comfort and well-being. Natures Premier Chopped Straw excels in this regard. Its softness and absorbent properties make it the perfect choice for creating a cozy and clean environment for your feathered and furry friends. Say goodbye to dusty and odorous alternatives; this chopped straw will keep your animal companions comfortable and healthy.


Gardening and Landscape Supply

Natures Premier Chopped Straw is not limited to animal bedding. It’s a valuable asset for landscaping and gardening enthusiasts. Whether you’re working on a residential garden or managing a vast landscape project, our chopped straw is your secret weapon. Use it as mulch, ground cover, or as straw bales for gardening. Its biodegradable nature ensures it enriches the soil, breaks down quickly, and promotes healthy plant growth.


Yard and Grass Seed Covering

For those looking to nurture a lush and vibrant yard, Natures Premier Chopped Straw is the ideal choice. Its coverage capacity makes it excellent for protecting grass seeds and promoting successful germination. You can say goodbye to the hassle of maintaining straw beds; this chopped straw stays in place, providing an effective protective barrier for your grass seeds.


Uses Of Chopped Straw

Natures Premier is a versatile product that can be used for:
Farm Animals – horses, sheep, goats, cows, pigs and chickens
Household Pets – guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits and ferrets
Gardening – safe to use for composting
Landscaping – ideal for planting seeds